- Only accredited delegates representing local Leagues, Inter-League organizations, state Leagues and members of the LWVUS Board may vote.
- All accredited delegates shall sign into the webinar software to access all controls needed for voting. Virtual delegates must be prepared to also utilize software for debate and must sign out upon any departure prior to adjournment.
- Each member is responsible for their connection to the Internet. The loss of, or poor quality of, a member’s individual connection preventing participation in the plenary shall not impact the consideration of an issue or outcome of an action. Should mass outages occur for in-person delegates an alternate voting method will be established until internet connection is restored.
- Only delegates and those authorized by the chair or a proxy of the chair on the virtual platform may address the Convention.
- Delegates must be recognized by the chair before speaking. Each speaker shall announce name, League, and state when addressing the Convention. Instructions on how to participate in the proceedings will be provided by LWVUS.
- In debate, no person shall speak more than once until all others who wish to speak have done so; no person shall speak more than twice on the same motion; debate shall be limited to one minute per speaker. The chair will announce the total time allocated to each main motion and associated discussion.
- Microphones shall remain on mute unless a virtual delegate is recognized to speak. The chair may cause or direct the muting or disconnection of a virtual delegate’s connection if it is causing undue interference with the plenary.
- In-person delegates are instructed to use the appropriately labeled microphone for debates and must only speak when recognized by the chair. The chair may cause or direct the removal of an in-person delegate from the plenary floor if they are causing undue interference.
- The presence of a quorum shall be established by all delegates being checked into the registration software. In the event of major technical disruption in the plenary that affects quorum, the chair will have the option to recess, or to fix the time to which to adjourn, for members to again login to reconvene the plenary.
- A member intending to make a main motion or offer an amendment shall submit it in writing prior to the start of plenary via the method provided by LWVUS.
- The method of voting shall be announced by the chair.
- Any candidate who is nominated from the floor shall give consent and be allowed to address the delegates for one minute immediately after their name is placed in nomination.
- Delegates are forbidden from sharing on their personal or League social media accounts or in public areas of League websites any photos or screenshots involving plenary business including committee reports, motions, amendments, or votes.
- Procedure for the proposed program: The proposed LWVUS Program shall be moved for adoption by a member of the LWVUS Board. Debate and action on the Proposed Program shall take place at a time designated by the chair. During the times specified in the agenda for Program consideration and Program debate, the chair will divide the time equally among the program items that have been granted consideration.
- Procedure for Considering Not- Recommended Program Items:
- Any League may move for consideration of not-recommended Program items. Presentations shall be limited to one minute. No additional motions or debate are in order at this time. If a not-recommended item is moved for consideration, any delegate may request a statement from the LWVUS Board, limited to one minute, giving the reasons for not recommending the item.
- After all not-recommended items have been moved for consideration, a vote for consideration of each shall take place in the order in which the items were moved for consideration. No additional motions or debate are in order at this time. A majority vote is required to consider a not-recommended item.
- Debate and action on not-recommended Program items shall take place at the same plenary as debate and action on the proposed Program.
- Procedure for Concurrence at Convention
- Proposals for concurrence at Convention may be moved for adoption at a time designated by the chair.
- Proposals for concurrence are debatable but not amendable. Action on proposals for concurrence motions shall take place at the same plenary as debate and action on the proposed Program. A two-thirds vote is required to adopt the concurrence statement.
- Procedure for Adoption of Program
- Action on the proposed Program, concurrence proposals, and any not- recommended program items voted for consideration by the delegates and moved for adoption shall take place at a time designated by the chair. Note that action on any not-recommended Program items voted for consideration by delegates and moved for adoption shall come on a following day.
- A majority vote is required to adopt the proposed Program, including any not- recommended items. A two-thirds vote is required to adopt a concurrence on the Convention floor.
- Resolutions express the will of the Convention body during the time of its convening. The following criteria will be used to judge the appropriateness of proposed resolutions. The resolution:
- has complied with procedural requirements of this rule;
- is consistent with LWVUS Bylaws, principles, and positions;
- must not circumvent the program planning process;
- addresses a single, topical issue;
- is likely to have an impact on the single, topical issue;
- requires time-sensitive federal governmental action;
- is consistent with the current stated LWVUS priorities; and
- can be implemented using existing League resources.
- If the resolution addresses an issue that has arisen at least four weeks before the Convention then,
- At least four weeks before the Convention, the League offering the resolution shall send notice of the proposed resolution and its text to all Leagues and to the Chair of the Resolutions Committee (resolutions@lwv.org) using the Resolution Submission form provided on the League Management site.
- The following information is required to be submitted:
- League name/ID and point of contact information;
- the proposed resolution;
- the LWVUS position on which the resolution is based;
- background information on the issue;
- the rationale, including the pros and cons for the resolution;
- evidence that the issue is a current legislative priority;
- evidence that the issue is time-sensitive and requires federal governmental action;
- The League offering the resolution shall have delegate(s) participating in Convention.
- If the resolution addresses an issue that has arisen at or within four weeks of Convention then,
- No later than 48 hours before the start of the first plenary session of the Convention (i.e., by Wednesday, June 22 at 3:00 pm ET), the maker of the resolution shall submit any proposed resolution along with the following to the Chair of the Resolutions Committee (resolutions@lwv.org) using the Resolution Submission form provided on the League Management site.
- The following information has been submitted:
- League name/ID and point of contact information;
- the proposed resolution;
- the LWVUS position on which the resolution is based;
- background information on the issue;
- the rationale, including the pros and cons for the resolution;
- evidence that the issue is a current legislative priority;
- evidence that the issue is time-sensitive and requires federal governmental action; and
- evidence why the resolution is submitted within four weeks of Convention.
- The League offering the resolution shall have delegates participating in the Convention.
- The Resolutions Committee Process
At least four weeks before the Convention, the LWVUS President shall have appointed a Resolutions Committee consisting of two members of the LWVUS Board of Directors and three registered Convention delegates, who have either served on the LWVUS Board or another League Board.
The Resolutions Committee shall meet within 48 hours of the first plenary session of the Convention to consider whether each submitted resolution meets the criteria, timing, and process requirements. The time and method for joining the meeting will be announced with the Convention schedule. A representative of the League submitting a resolution shall have an opportunity to explain the resolution to the Resolutions Committee if the representative so requests.
The Resolutions Committee shall report its findings on all submitted resolutions and the Chair of the Resolutions Committee will announce those findings to the Convention. Any resolution reported affirmatively by the Resolutions Committee may be moved for consideration of the Convention. Adoption of a resolution requires a majority vote. During the times specified in the agenda for resolution consideration, the chair will divide the time equally among the resolutions moved for adoption.
Proposed 2022 Convention Rules
The rules customarily used by LWVUS have been adapted to the hybrid meeting format. These rules will be presented for adoption at the opening plenary. Amendments may be offered at this time and require a majority vote to adopt. The rules, as proposed or amended, require a two-thirds vote for adoption. To suspend a rule at a later time requires a two-thirds vote.
Resolutions may be offered by any League.
16. The minutes of the Convention shall be approved by a committee appointed by the board to review and correct the minutes.